Entrepreneurship and Business Courses

Course 4.1 Making agribusiness work
Credits: 7 ECTS
Target group: Faculty involved in mentoring startups

Methods : Synchronous learning (group training sessions for which we use Zoom) and asynchronous learning (do-it-yourself learning through online learning modules). iCRA’s online training platform called ‘LearningStone’ guides teachers through this process step by step. Throughout the programme teachers will engage with iCRA’s trainers-facilitators directly via LearningStone. They will provide teachers with feedback on submitted exercises, answer any question and engage in joint group discussions. Upon completion of 80% of the core assignments, teachers will receive a course certificate.

Content: Real-life agribusiness cluster case, facilitation and negotiation skills
Facilitating effective stakeholder communication

Vertical coordination and the role of contracts
Generating income as an agribusiness coach
Agribusiness cluster facilitation and coaching practice plan

Outcomes: In this course, teachers from Ghanaian HEIs selected by the projet will learn the necessary skills to pass on to their students (= future agribusiness advisors) so that they will be able to facilitate and coach not single actors, but inclusive agribusiness partnerships; to unlock real win-win agribusiness!

Course 4.2: Innovation and entrepreneurship for climate smart agriculture-workshop-based

Credits: 5 ECTS
Target group: MSc, PhD students & Faculty

Methods:  It will be short intensive workshop-based course. Introductory lecture, student presentation of innovative ideas, case-based exercises, cross-group evaluation of entrepreneurial ideas/initiatives, exercises on technical and socio-economic assessment of proposed innovative solutions, guidance on how to further develop those ideas into tangible solutions

Course outcomes: Identification and assessment of enablers and barriers for innovation and
entrepreneurship in agriculture and food systems
Build on fresh innovative ideas from course participants and help them develop business
Mapping of resources and opportunities for participants to turn their innovative ideas into
scalable initiatives and entrepreneurial ventures